Your Yoga practice shouldn’t just be limited to studios and mats - it's a lifestyle thing!
Every day we sit at desks, behind the steering wheel or looking down at our phones in positions that aren’t so great for our overall health and posture.
This simple 5-minute standing sequence is the perfect complement to your posture and will help train your muscles to open up in between your yoga classes.
Part one - Tadasana flow
Tadasana, hands to heart center
Mountain, mini back bend
Forward fold, bending knees, belly on thighs
Half lift, straighten the spine and lift head
Forward fold, bending knees, belly on thighs
Mountain, mini back bend
Tadasana, hands to heart center
Repeat x 2
Part 2 - Wide leg flow
Wide leg mountain, mini back bend
Wide leg forward fold, bending knees a little
Wide leg half lift, straighten the spine and lift head
Hands to right foot, straight left leg
Back to center, wide leg half lift
Hands to left foot, straighten right leg
Back to center, wide leg half lift
Wide leg mountain, mind
Wide leg forward fold, back bend
Repeat x 2
Part 3 - Warrior flow
Warrior 2, tucking tail, rolling shoulders down
Reverse warrior, back hand gently presses onto left leg
Side angle, bottom elbow gently presses into thigh
Reverse warrior, back hand gentle presses onto left leg
Warrior 2, tucking tail, rolling shoulders down
Triangle, straight front leg, bottom hand gently pressing inside calf, top hand reaching up
Reverse warrior, back hand gentle presses onto left leg
Repeat both sides x 2
Part 4 - Balancing series Tree, place foot above or below knee, clasp hands behind back Hand to knee, holding onto knee with one hand, roll shoulders down and open chest Dancers, hold inside of foot, kick foot back, front hand reaches up Repeat other side