So, a couple years ago I quit my secure full-time job, did a yoga teacher training and never looked back.
I love teaching yoga. I don't want to be a full time teacher - I guess I still like wearing high heels - but I love teaching being part of my life and the direction of my work.
When I was starting out teaching, I found that there were heaps of newbie teachers out there who didn't really know how to out as their own brand. They had the teaching down pat, they had contacts, and an Instagram or Facebook page, but when it came down to being consistent and working out what they actually wanted to get out of their career as a yoga teacher, they hadn't quite got that far - or knew how to do it.
So I put together a little workshop designed just for my yoga teacher people.
Based off something I actually use with real-life brands looking to define their, this workshop hones in on the underlying reasons why you started teaching yoga and what type of yoga teacher you want to be, now, and in the future.
Here's my top tips on how to start your yoga business...
1. Know Your Market
Not all students/clients are alike. And you can’t expect the same from one studio to another, or even one suburb to another.
So who are you teaching? Who is your perfect student/client?
Remember, you can’t be everything to everyone - you’re not an avocado.
Be single-minded in your teaching - find your perfect student, where they live, where they practice, what they do, and teach to them.
2. Locate Your Opportunities
So you’ve identified who you’re looking to teach - where are they?
What opportunities can you find to help you teach to these people, and beyond?
Be creative with your thinking. Think about things at a grass-roots level through to partnerships or events.
3. Your Find Your Voice
This professional fitness world of ours is competitive. What makes you different to the next teacher/trainer?
What is it about you that makes your class special? Why would you be someone’s favourite teacher/trainer?
Once you’ve found what that is - teach to it.
Be single-minded with your teaching/training and your voice and don’t be something that you're not.
Looking to sort your own branding out for your yoga business?
Here's my hot tip - and you know it as well, deep down.... if you don't know what you're doing, you're not going to do a good job of it.. You won't be challenged the way you need to be.. and that's the most integral part of starting a business. Think about it in yoga class terms, sometimes you need the teacher to push you in the right direction to land in the pose you wish to achieve..
That's where my workshops come in - designed just for yoga teachers, I'll help you land on your branding values, marketing needs, and business direction.
Or, if you fancy the at-home version, you can buy it here. It won't come with the same challenges I'll throw at you in the workshop, but you'll definitely go through the process to get the branding and marketing you're looking for.